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Introducing My Family


I have the most amazing family. I know that can be a pretty common belief, but I really do. This is going to sound a little self-serving, what I love most is that they support whatever I want to do. No matter what they think in private, they always support me. I have done some crazy things in my life and they are right there cheering me on each time. In addition, they have been determined to provide the tools I have needed to reach my goals. Here they are from your left to right.

1st picture

Roger, My Dad (end on your left)- Like my mother, it’s impossible to overstate Roger’s impact on me. I was his stepchild, but never felt like one. I won’t forget what he taught me and how he protected me, without being overprotective. His sense of humor was legendary and taught me to laugh. I never felt anything other than love and acceptance from him until the day he died.

My mother, Joy (third from right, standing next to Daniel) - I cannot overstate her impact on my life or commitment to my success. Her sacrifices for me are only equaled by her expectations of me. She believed in me when others did not and taught me to believe in myself. I would not be in the position I am today without her.

Daniel, my husband (middle man in uniform)- Always self-effacing, Daniel deserves a medal for putting up with me at times. I really appreciate his belief in me. He believes that I alone determine what I can do. His intelligence is off the charts. He challenges me and his sense of humor makes me laugh. His love & acceptance are total. I could not ask for a better partner.

Gaylee, Daniel’s mother (second from right)- Gaylee is incredible and no one could ask for a better mother-in-law. She is brave, often driving me to and from work in Orange Crush traffic. She also gave up her room for me when I lived in Orange.

Ralph, Daniel’s father (end on your right)- Ralph is incredibly loyal and hardworking. There isn’t a subject he can’t discuss and he has a myriad of interests. He’s a talented fiction writer and hopes to publish one day.

2nd picture

My brother, Mitchell (second from your right)- My True Abilities would not exist without him and so I would not be in a position to help you now. He co-authored this site and is the creator of much content. As you will see in these pages, none can equal his genius. Although our sibling rivalry has been epic over the last 50+ years, I never once doubted his support and love for me. My True Abilities is just the latest example of it.

My sister in law, Amy (end your left)- Amy is the best sister-in-law anyone could want. She brings out the best people, including me. Always available with a listening and nonjudgmental ear, her worth as a friend is also without equal.

My nieces, Eva and Caroline (Eva is on the right end and Caroline is in the middle standing next to Mitch)- Eva and Caroline are both insanely talented. They are also beautiful inside and out. They both own my heart and I count myself very lucky to have a front row seat to witnessing the women they will become.

Trudy, Amy’s Mom and a good friend (second from your left)- Trudy has also taught me so much. She accepts people completely and takes them exactly as they are. No one is unwelcome. I can only hope to emulate her in this. Thanks go out to her for the second photo!

Mike, my biological father (not pictured)- Mike, a Vietnam veteran with undiagnosed posttraumatic stress disorder, taught me some of the most important and painful lessons of my life. Tainted by past wounds, our bond was on going before his death. I am a lot like him in both looks and personality, much to the chagrin of other members of my family. I wouldn’t trade any of my experiences or lessons learned though, as they formed me and my abilities.

I have extended family that isn’t pictured. Many of them live far away and I miss them. Like my immediate family, many of them helped me get where I am today. It is my hope that you will benefit from all of my experiences. May our work together move you toward your goals and ultimately, help you design the life you want. If I can support you or your amazing family, please reach out.

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